الخميس، 9 أبريل 2020

Symptoms of hypertension

Symptoms of hypertension


The amount of blood pressure can be expressed with a value that includes two numbers, one of which indicates how strong the heart pumps blood throughout the body, which is known as systolic pressure, while the other smaller number represents the amount of resistance to blood flow through the blood vessels, and both numbers are expressed in millimeters Mercurial, and therefore it can be said that the ideal blood pressure is between 60/90 - 80/120 mmHg.
In fact, high blood pressure often occurs as a result of the narrowing of a type of small blood vessel circulating in the body, called the arterioles, and this is accompanied by an increase in the effort exerted by the heart to pump blood through the narrowed blood vessels, resulting in an increase in pressure Blood inside the blood vessels, and high blood pressure is a disorder that is rarely associated with the appearance of symptoms on the patient, most people with high blood pressure do not know this, so this disease is called the silent killer, with this continued high blood pressure and not controlling it So, do K would lead to a number of serious health problems.

Symptoms of high blood pressure
  As we explained earlier, most people do not suffer from any symptoms that indicate high blood pressure, but if the blood pressure value exceeds 110/180 mmHg, in this case it can be said that the patient suffers from a seizure of hypertension, which is considered a health problem It is very dangerous and requires urgent medical intervention. An episode of hypertension is associated with the appearance of a number of different symptoms on the patient, as some of them can be mentioned as follows:

Adult symptoms: Examples include:

Nausea, vomiting.
Feeling light-headed.
Suffering from blurring of the eye, or double vision.
Blood coming from the nose.
Having palpitations, an irregular heartbeat, or a strong heartbeat.
Shortness of breath.

Symptoms that appear on children: Examples include the following:

Headache infection.
Fatigue and fatigue.
Blurring of the eye.
Migraine, or inability to control muscles on one side of the face.

Symptoms that appear on infants and young children: Examples include:

Growth failure, or FTT.
Epilepsy, or irritability.
Respiratory distress.

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